Washington High School offers a variety of business classes for students. Please see Mr. Wood for more details on the following classes and to sign up:
- Accounting: honors course, two medal credits
- Sales and marketing: one medal credit
- Computer science: one medal credit
- Business law: one medal credit
- AP computer science principles: Honors course, 4 medal credits
- Entrepreneurship: one medal credit
- Computer essentials: one medal credit
- Money management: one medal credit
- Personal finance: one medal credit
- Sports and entertainment marketing: one medal credit
- Video game marketing and design: one medal credit
- Web design: one medal credit
Business department award
The business department award has the following criteria to determine honors recipients:
- A minimum of five medal credits must be earned (see below for credits)
- The student must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in the business classes taken.
- The award is a medal with your name professionally engraved
- In addition, two seniors each year from the list of medal recipients will receive department award plaques on senior recognition night
Key Contacts
Jason Wood
Computer Science