(formerly PTA)
Principal’s Parent/Family Page
Warrior Connect is a great way to get connected and know what is happening at your student’s high school.
The leadership team is here to take your suggestions, listen to your concerns, and answer your questions. Let them help you make your experience at Washington the best it can be.
President: Clay Melton
Vice President: Anthony Betters
Treasurer: Kelley Cole
Secretary: Stephanie King
Questions? Please contact us crwashpta@gmail.com.
Meeting Minutes: Click below for the most recent minutes (prior years can be obtained by contacting the secretary)
2024 October Meeting Minutes
2024 November Meeting Minutes
2024 Dec Public Meeting Minutes
2025 Jan Public Meeting Minutes
How to get involved
Warrior Connect meetings are now online! Attend monthly meetings from wherever you are and get updated on what’s going on at Washington High School. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every school month at 7 p.m. All Wash families will receive an email with a link for that month’s meeting several days before the meeting. Monthly meetings include the Counselor’s Report, a Q&A with a representative of Administration, and guest speakers. You do not have to be a ‘member’ to attend these meetings. Those that attend are those that chart the course of this organization.
Washington Warrior Connect—our only fundraiser to support our programming. Your donation to Warrior Connect helps celebrate student academic success at assemblies where Washington gear is given out, supports the Warrior closet, and teacher and staff appreciation. Warrior Connect also provides funding to many clubs, encourages student growth in safe social spaces, and builds community at Washington.
All Warrior Connect donations are 100% tax deductible. Our goal is $12,500.
- Check Enclosed Please return form/check to:
WHS Warrior Connect, c/o WHS,
2205 Forest Dr. SE,
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 - Donate online via PayPal or at:
Add Comment: “Donate to Washington Warrior Connect” - Donate online via Venmo at @CRCSDF
Add Comment: “Donate to Washington Warrior Connect”
- Donate online via https://crcsf.com/about-us/donate-online/
Add “Donate to Washington Warrior Connect” in additional comments. - Or, via EMPLOYER MATCHING GIFT – Your gift PLUS your company’s gift is added together to set your membership level. Look up the following “Cause” on your company’s Benevity.org Site: CEDAR RAPIDS COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOUNDATION | (on benevity.org) Please add “Donate to Washington Warrior Connect” in additional comments.
- Please note that matching gift employers in our community have included: ADM, Alliant Energy, General Mills, Mid-American, Quaker Oats, Collins Aerospace, Ryan Companies, Square D, Toyota, Transamerica.
Please contact us at crwashpta@gmail.com to learn more about how you can help our school.
Please visit the following document for details on events: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gEHJSLnHp2jGBFEZulW2Ih6M0mmLyM6gKw3BIQdUFTE/edit?usp=sharing
Support the Warrior Closet
The Warrior Closet is a free supply center providing new and gently used clothing, school supplies, and toiletries for Washington students.
Donations can be dropped off in room 108 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., or by appointment with Amy Rouse.
Accepted items
The following clean items will be accepted:
- T-shirts
- Sweatshirts
- Sweat pants
- Yoga pants
- Gym shorts
- Gym shoes
- Underwear and socks (new only)
- Backpacks
- School supplies
- Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, soap, shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental floss, tampons, pads)
- Winter coats & accessories (hats, gloves, mittens, scarves)
- Prom/homecoming (dresses, shoes, accessories)
- Gift cards (gas, clothing, haircuts, shoes)
- Grab and go food items (granola bars, breakfast bars, cereal, instant oatmeal, individual servings of canned fruit, soups, canned or boxed meals)
Unacceptable items
- Blue jeans
- Dress clothes
- Sweaters
- Dress shoes
- Purses
- Pajamas
Washington Warrior Connect Donation Form or go to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jYtwxLHK0fDkMRrwjYIYOrLM7XHoPgZk3edvyZrPVvU/edit?usp=sharing
Bylaws: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19hMEmsGxUealr-aOCBrRkipZgM6A2d_Rzcsx8_KMSmk/edit?usp=sharing