Washington High School has two levels of concert band and jazz band available to students. From August to October, all band members participate in the Warrior Marching Band.
Wind symphony
Wind symphony is the top concert band group at Washington. Auditions for the group happen early in the beginning of semester one each year. Any grade level may auditio
The WHS wind symphony was the featured 4A honor band at the 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2014 Iowa Bandmasters Association Convention. In addition, the wind symphony remains the only Iowa band to be invited to perform at the prestigious National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis in 2008.
Concert band
Concert band is a non-auditioned group at Washington that focuses on fundamental student development of musical skills. The group performs from December through May, finishing with a performance at large group contest.
Revolutionists jazz band
The Revolutionists jazz band is Washington High School’s top jazz band. Auditions for this group happen early in semester one and are open to grades nine through 12. This group focuses on advanced jazz band literature that spans early jazz to present day.
Revs was the featured jazz band at the 2009 and 2006 Iowa Bandmasters Association Convention and has been invited to perform at the Iowa Jazz Championships for 19 consecutive years. Revs has won first place at the Northeast Iowa District Jazz Festival 15 of the last 17 years.
Jazz Also
Jazz Also is the second jazz band at Washington. Auditions for the group happen early in semester one and are open to grades nine through 12. This group focuses on learning how to improvise, swing, and play jazz music as a group.
Warrior marching band
The Warrior marching band is a group that consists of all band students at Washington High School and any non-band students who wish to try out for color guard. There is no audition for marching band and rehearsals start a couple of weeks before school begins each August. If you are interested in color guard, auditions are held each spring before school ends.
Washington’s marching band has developed a rich history of performing exciting and entertaining marching band shows. The marching band has won first place awards at the Linn-Mar and Prairie marching contests and has received consecutive division I ratings at state marching band contest for 42 years.
Auditions for wind symphony, Revolutionists, and Jazz Also all happen in the first few weeks of semester one.
Drumline and color guard auditions typically happen in May and the groups meet several times over the summer to prepare for marching band in the fall.
More specific information will be sent to your middle school band director later this year about these auditions.
Band frequently asked questions
What class do I register for marching band?
Register for “Marching Band” in semester one. Even though it is listed as a full semester class, the marching band only rehearses until mid-October. After that, the class is split into the two concert band groups. The concert band and the wind symphony both rehearse during 1st period in different rooms for the rest of the semester.
Do band classes meet at the same time as choir/show choirs? Can I do both?
They do not meet at the same time. You can do both!
Do meet band classes meet at the same time as orchestra classes? Can I do both?
They do meet at the same time, but you can still do both! We work to offer students that want to do both options to make it work.
I’m worried about doing band and sports/drama/speech/other activities. Is this possible?
Sure is! We have band students that are represented in every single sport, theater production, speech activity. and many other groups and clubs. While the scheduling is not always perfect, we will work with you and other coaches/directors to find a win-win that will allow you to do both.
What about band and advanced classes/languages?
Yes! The top academic students in the school are also involved in the music department.
What if I try high school band and I don’t like it?
We encourage all new students to try lots of activities as a freshman. The only way you are going to be sure is to have the experience and then decide. But we think you’ll have a great time!
I asked my counselor some of these questions and they had different answers than you. Why?
Counselors have a huge job and can’t possibly know all the details of every program up at the high school. They are giving you great advice based on what they know. But when it comes to making music work for kids in high school, the directors are the experts! We will be honest with you about your situation and the benefits and challenges of being a high school musician.